How old am I?


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

My First Post

Hi, this is SAM. I was born July 3rd and I’m a beautiful golden retriever. Thanks for checking up with me. I’ll grow SO fast and learn SO much that I’ll try to remember to write often so you can keep up!

I was picked up at the NY airport on Thursday, September 11 by a really nice lady who works for US Airways. She took good care of me while we flew to Charlotte and then caught a smaller plane to Asheville, NC. I was very good on the plane and not afraid at all. I slept most of the time. That’s what I do best right now!

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She carried me from the plane to meet my new families because she was worried that I might have an accident in the airport. I have to admit it might have happened, because I was only 10 weeks old and didn’t really know about where I should busy. Soon I’ll be very good about it, but I’m still learning right now! It’s up to my Mom to make sure I get plenty of chances to busy outside. I’m doing really well at night already and can go all night long without having to go out. That makes her VERY happy!

When we got to the airport I had a big surprise! Not only was my Mom there, but also two members of my special sponsor family – Andrew and Barbara Thomas! I got LOTS of hugs and kisses and I cuddled right up to them. It felt good to get so much loving and I kissed them a lot to let them know that I love them, too!

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When we left there, Mom took me to see Uncle Scott Thomas at his dentist office. He sat down with me in his lap and just loved on me, too. I’m so glad they are all part of my family! Thank you for helping to make that possible by giving money to the school in Matthew’s memory!

We drove home and I met my “dad” and Bethany. They seem very nice. I also met Deacon (the 6 year-old vizsla who was supposed to be a guide dog but didn’t make it) and Diablo. Diablo is a 12 year-old lab and he is the king of the dog world at our house. He tells us youngsters to leave him alone and we do – most of the time. Sometimes we can’t help it and we aggravate him, but he puts up with us anyway.

That night I slept in a crate in the bedroom beside my mom’s bed. I didn’t like it at first and kept telling her, “Hey, what’s going on?! I’m in here! Did you forget me?!” She didn’t let me out, though, and told me to be “QUIET!” several times. When I was quiet I would get a small treat. I learned quickly that I am NOT to bark when I’m in the crate and I want them to like me so I do well about that now. Even when they went to church without me on Sunday, I only protested a few times. I don’t understand why Dad won’t take me to church and let me sit with him! I know that Mom is in the choir or she would take me, but she said that one of the other pups barked in church and embarrassed him so he won’t take the pups. I would NEVER do that!

On Friday I went with Mom to work. I was a perfect angel and everyone came by to meet me. They all think I’m very snuggly – which I am! I guess I’ll outgrow that pretty quickly, though. I do hope they will keep wanting to pet me, though, because I’ll always want lots of loving. I slept most of the time at work.

It’s very boring there when no one is visiting but I didn’t cry or bark when Mom would leave me and go to the bathroom. I knew she would be back soon because she has promised to take good care of me. She was very proud of how I acted! We left work early and met Erin and Midnight at the elementary school near my house. Mom and Erin talked to 80 4th graders while I slept.

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After they talked, we got to show them what we could do already and THEN all of the kids came up and took turns petting us. I LOVED that!
Midnight and class 1

Midnight, Sam and class 3

Midnight and Sam "fighting over a bone"
{Midnight and I entertain ourselves while our mommies clean up}
Friday evening we got to go to the Mountain State Fair. WOW!!! I got to meet the other puppies that are working to be guide dogs. We practiced walking around and sitting and stuff. I already know how to sit and down and most of the time I stay when I’m told. I’m VERY smart! We also got to see LOTS of very interesting animals. I wasn’t afraid of any of them, or of the lights, or the rides, or the people, or anything! It was exciting. Everyone there kept coming up to me to pet me and you know that I loved that! After about an hour, I was very tired, so another puppy walker family let me share the stroller with their youngest girl, Charlene. What a relief!
Charlene and Sammy in the Stroller

Puppies Parading

People stopping to pet Sam

After the fair we drove to Charlotte and I got to stay at my Gram’s house. The next day I got to meet my mom’s Grandson, Mahlon. He’s 18 months old and very cute! We had a good time together, although I had to stay on the porch a lot of the time. I understood that he was a little unsure of me and that my mom wanted to spend time with him, so I didn’t complain. We did go for a good walk and played in the park, though. That was fun!

On Sunday I was good while everyone was at church and then I got to play outside for a long time with my mom and Deacon. Most of the time I sat under her chair in the shade because it was VERY hot. I like to pull up grass and eat it and that’s not good for me so she has to watch me very carefully and teach me not to do that. *sigh*

I’ve already been to Sam’s (nice name!) several times.

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I ride in the cart most of the time because I get tired! I’ve also been to the grocery store and the library and the drug store and the hardware store and some other places I can’t remember. I like going everywhere and seeing people and they always want to pet me. Who can resist? I’m just TOO cute! I’ve been to work every day this week and some of my new friends even take me for walks – what fun!

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Today when I was out doing my busy at the office, a guy came by with his golden retriever. They were walking in the woods but when they saw me, Tank came running up to meet me. He looked just like me – only bigger! We enjoyed saying, “Hi!” and we were both very happy to see each other. I hope he comes back someday.

Well, Mom says it’s time to eat supper so we can go to choir practice. I’m looking forward to it. I will get to meet all of the 2nd-6th grade kids in the choir she teaches and then get to go to her adult choir practice. They have drums and guitars so that will be fun! There is also another lady who brings her seizure-alert dog. He’s a cocker spaniel and we will get to be good friends. He can’t play right now, though, because he had surgery on his elbows. *sigh*

I better go now! I’ll try to remember to write again soon!!



Madison said...

You're a busy pup! Nice to hear from a your adventures!

Mom22grls&1boy said...

Wow! What a busy boy you are! Soooo good to hear about what you've been doing! :)